Mo3gaba by Nancy Ajram - Lyrics and Translation

I like him

معجبة مغرمة أنا بقى مش عايزة إلاهو
Mo3gaba moghrama 2ana ba2a mosh 3ayza 2illa howa,
I like him, I’m in love with him, I don’t want anyone but him

مشيته همسته نظرته بتحرك قلبي جوة
Mashyito hamsito, nazrito bit7arak 2alby gowa,
his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me
حد يقوله،حد يقوله إني بحبه الحب ده كله
7addi y2ollo, 7addi y2ollo, Inni ba7ibo il 7obbi da kollo
someone should tell him, someone should tell him,
that I love him that much
حد يحنن قلبه عليا أنا مكسوفه أروح له وأقوله
7addi y7anen 2albo 3laya, ana maksoofa 2aro7lo wa2ollo,
someone should make him go easy on me,
I’m too shy to go to him and tell him

معجبة مغرمة أنا بقى مش عايزة إلاهو
Mo3gaba moghrama 2ana ba2a mosh 3ayza 2illa howa,
I like him, I’m in love with him, I don’t want anyone but him

مشيته همسته نظرته بتحرك قلبي جوة
Mashyito hamsito, nazrito bit7arak 2alby gowa,
his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me

ايوا خطفني بسحر جماله شوقي باين له وعيني قيلاله
2aywa khatafni bsi7ri gamalo, Sho2i bayenlo w 3eny 2aylalo,
yes he snatched me with the charm of his beauty
, My lonesomeness is apparent to him and my eyes told him

خايفة مااكنشي أنا اللي في باله بعد ده كله
Khayfa ma konshi 2ana illy f ballo, Ba3di da kollo
I’m afraid I won’t be the one on his mind after all of that
حد يقوله، حد يقوله إني بحبه الحب ده كله
7addi y2ollo, 7addi y2ollo, Inni ba7ibo il 7obbi da kollo
someone should tell him, someone should tell him,
that I love him that much
حد يحنن قلبه عليي أنا مكسوفه أروح له وأقوله
7addi y7anen 2albo 3laya, ana maksoofa 2aro7lo wa2ollo,
someone should make him go easy on me,
I’m too shy to go to him and tell him

معجبة مغرمة أنا بقى مشعايزة إلاهو
Mo3gaba moghrama 2ana ba2a mosh 3ayza 2illa howa,
I like him, I’m in love with him, I don’t want anyone but him

مشيته همسته نظرته بتحرك قلبي جوة
Mashyito hamsito, nazrito bit7arak 2alby gowa,
his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me

روحوا قولوا له بحبه ومالهمعجبة بيه ودايبة وميللاه
Roo7o 2oloolo ba7ibo w malo, Mo3gaba bi w dayba w maylalo,
go and tell him I love him, so what? I really like him
واحده خلاص عاشقه وعايشاله عمرها كله
Wa7da khalas 3ash2a w 3ayshalo 3omraha kollo
I’m someone who’s in love 
and that’s going to live all her life for him

حد يقوله، حديقوله إني بحبه الحب ده كله
7addi y2ollo, 7addi y2ollo, Inni ba7ibo il 7obbi da kollo
someone should tell him, someone should tell him,
that I love him that much
حد يحنن قلبه عليي أنامكسوفه أروح له وأقوله
7addi y7anen 2albo 3laya, ana maksoofa 2aro7lo wa2ollo,
someone should make him go easy on me,
I’m too shy to go to him and tell him
معجبة مغرمة
Mo3gaba moghrama
I like him, I’m in love with him

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