3alli soutak by Mohamed Mounir - Lyrics and Translation

علي صوتك
Mohamed Mounir- 3alli soutak
Mohamed Mounir – Raise Your Voice

على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة
3alli soutak Belghonak, lesah elaghani momkenah
Raise your voice singing, songs are still achievable
ولسه يامه ياما ياماه فى عمرنا
we lesah yama, yama yamh fi 3omrena
and we still have so many years to live in our life.
على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنةممكنة
3ali sountak 3ali soutak belghona lesah alaghani momkena momkena
Raise your voice in singing, songs are still achievable
ولو فى يوم راح تنكسر لازم تقوم
we law fe youm ra7 tenkeser lazem te2oom
And if one day you feel you’ll break, you must stand tall
واقف كما النخل باصص للسما للسما
wa2ef kama, elnakhl bases lelsama lelsama
Standing just as a palm tree stretches towards the sky
ولا انهزام ولا انكسار ولا انهزام ولا انكسار
wala inhizam wala inkisar ,wala inhizam wala inkisar
Don’t be defeated, don’t break down
ولا خوف ولا ولا حلم نابت فى الخل
wala khouf wala, wala 7elm nabet fe el khala
Don’t be afraid, be a dream blossoming in the desert
على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنةممكنة
3ali sountak 3ali soutak belghona lesah alaghani momkena momkena
Raise your voice singing, songs are still achievable
غنوتك وسط الجموع تهز قلبى اللى انفرح
ghenwetak west el gemo3, tehez 2albi elli enfara7
Your song among the chorus shakes my joyous heart
تداوى جرحى اللى انجرح
tedawi gar7i elli engara7
Healing all my wounds
غنوتك وسط الجموع تهز قلبى اللى انفرح
ghenwetak west el gemo3, tehez 2albi elli enfara7
Your song among the chorus shakes my joyous heart
تداوى جرحى اللى انجرح
tedawi gar7i elli engara7
Healing all my wounds
ترقص ارقص غصب عنى ارقص
ter2os ar2os ghasb 3ani ar2os
When you dance, I dance, I’m compelled to dance
غصب عنى غصب عنى ارقص
ghasb 3ani ghasb 3ani ar2os
When you dance, I dance, I’m compelled to dance
ينشبك حلمك فى حلمى
yenshebek 7elmak fe 7elmi ghasb 3ani ar2os
Our dreams become intertwined
غصب عنى غصب عنى ارقص
ghasb 3ani ghasb 3ani ar2os
I’m compelled to dance, I’m compelled to dance
ولا انهزام ولا انكسار ولا انهزام ولا انكسار
wala inhizam wala inkisar ,wala inhizam wala inkisar
Don’t be defeated, don’t break down
ولاخوف ولا ولا حلم نابت فى الخلا
wala khouf wala, wala 7em nabet fe el khala
Don’t be afraid, be a dream blossoming in the desert
علي صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنةممكنةممكنة
3ali sountak 3ali soutak belghona lesah alaghani momkena momkena
Raise your voice singing, songs are still achievable

4 Responses to 3alli soutak by Mohamed Mounir - Lyrics and Translation

  1. Unknown says:

    salam brother i just came across you website, it seems you havent posted anyting since 2011. is there any chance you might resume the lessons and translations again? inshallah

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